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The Bicentennial of The United States Constitution
5 Dollar
Item number: A1535
Year: AD 1987
Material: Gold
Size: 21.5 x 21.5 x 1.6 mm
Weight: 8.35 g
Manufactured by: West Point Mint
Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2014
This is a commemorative gold coin issued by the United States in AD 1987 to celebrate the bicentennial of the Constitution. The coin has a face value of five dollars and was designed by Marcel Jovine.
The obverse of the coin features the national symbol of the United States, a bald eagle with its wings spread against a radiant background, facing left. The eagle firmly grasps a quill pen in its talons. To the left of the design, the national motto “LIBERTY” is inscribed, while the bottom edge bears the coin’s year of issue, “1987.”
The reverse of the coin prominently features a quill pen at its centre, symbolising the signing of the Constitution. Overlaid on the quill pen is the preamble to the Constitution, inscribed in Gothic script as “WE THE PEOPLE.” Flanking the central design are the date of the Constitution’s signing, “SEPT 17 1787,” on the left, and the national motto, “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (Out of Many, One), on the right.
Above the quill pen, the inscription “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” denotes the issuing nation. Within the inner circle of the design, thirteen five-pointed stars symbolise the original thirteen states of the Union at its founding. The lower edge bears the denomination, “FIVE DOLLARS,” alongside the inscription “BICENTENNIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION,” commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Constitution’s creation. On the right side, the mint mark “W” signifies the West Point Mint, where the coin was struck.
On September 17, AD 1787, eleven years after the United States declared independence from British rule, representatives from the thirteen states convened in Philadelphia to deliberate on the Constitution. Their discussions addressed critical issues, including the division of power between the national and state governments and the protection of individual rights. The U.S. Constitution has since become one of the most influential legal frameworks in history. Following World War II, it served as a model for the constitutional designs of several nations, including Japan.
錢幣背面的正中央以簽署過憲法的鵝毛筆作為背景,中間有哥德字體的憲法序言「WE THE PEOPLE」(我們人民),兩側分別是憲法簽署的日期「SEPT 17 1787」(公元1787年9月17日) 和國家格言「E PLURIBUS UNUM」(合眾為一)。
鵝毛筆的上緣鐫刻國名「UNITED STATES OF AMERICA」(美利堅合眾國),較內圈的部分則是象徵美國創立之初十三州的十三枚五角星。下緣分別有面額「FIVE DOLLARS」(五美元) 和「BICENTENNIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION」(憲法兩百周年) 的銘文,右側的「W」是西點鑄幣廠的戳記。