Empire of Japan

Cupronickel 10 Sen

Shōwa 6th era




Item number: A1526

Year: AD 1931

Material: Cupronickel

Size: 22.1 x 22.1 x 1.3 mm

Weight: 3.75 g

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020

This is a 10-sen coin made of cupronickel, circulated from Taishō 9 to Shōwa 7 (AD 1920 to AD 1932) in the Empire of Japan. It was used both within the Japanese mainland and in its overseas colonies, including Korea, Taiwan, and South Sakhalin.

The coin features a circular hole at its centre. On the obverse side, the upper edge displays the chrysanthemum crest, symbolising the Japanese Emperor, along with the denomination in Japanese kanji, “十錢” (10 Sen). The lower edge features the paulownia crest, another emblem representing the nation of Japan.

The reverse side of the coin features an octofoil mirror motif encircling the central hole, with a traditional Japanese “Seigaiha” (青海波) wave pattern serving as the background. The upper edge is inscribed with the country’s name, “大日本” (Dai Nippon, Great Japan), while the lower edge bears the issuance year, “昭和六年” (Shōwa 6, corresponding to AD 1931).

物件編號: A1526

年代: 公元 1931 年

材質: 白銅

尺寸: 22.1 x 22.1 x 1.3 mm

重量: 3.75 g

來源: 福君錢幣 2020

這是自大正9年至昭和7年 (公元1920至1932年),大日本帝國於日本本土和海外殖民地 (朝鮮、臺灣和南樺太) 流通使用的10錢硬幣,材質為白銅。



類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立臺灣歷史博物館  National Museum of Taiwan History


臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History



日本貨幣商協同組合,《日本貨幣カタログ 2004年版》(東京:日本貨幣商協同組合,2004)
