French Indochina

50 Cents



Item number: A1512

Year: AD 1936

Material: Silver

Size: 29.0 x 29.0 x 2.2 mm

Weight: 13.5 g

Manufactured by: Paris Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020

This is a 50-cent silver coin issued in AD 1936, circulated in the region of French Indochina.

The obverse of the coin features Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic, depicted seated with her left hand resting on an armrest and her right hand holding a fasces. The lower edge displays the year of issuance, “1936,” while the upper edge bears the inscription “REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE” (French Republic). The name “BARRE,” engraved in the lower-left corner, represents the signature of Albert Désiré Barre, the chief engraver of the Paris Mint.

The reverse of the coin features a wreath composed of intertwined laurel and oak leaves. At the centre of the wreath is the coin’s denomination, “50 CENT.” (50 cents). The upper edge of the wreath bears the inscription “· INDO-CHINE FRANÇAISE ·” (French Indochina), while the lower edge specifies the coin’s purity and weight: “TITRE 0,900. POIDS 13 GR. 5” (0.900 purity, 13.5 grams).

French Indochina, established by France in the latter half of the 19th century, referred to its colonial territories in Southeast Asia, encompassing present-day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The 50-cent silver coin featuring the image of Marianne was first issued in 1896, and its circulation extended to neighbouring regions of China, such as Yunnan and Guangxi. Consequently, in China, this coin and the silver coin issued by British Hong Kong were colloquially referred to as the “Seating Dollar” and the “Standing Dollar,” respectively, based on the posture of the figure depicted on the coins.

物件編號: A1512

年代: 公元 1936 年


尺寸: 29.0 x 29.0 x 2.2 mm

重量: 13.5 g

製造地: 巴黎造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2020


錢幣正面是一個左手依靠著扶手,右手握著束棒的法蘭西共和國象徵瑪麗安娜。錢幣下緣標示發行年份「1936」,上緣則是國名「REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE」(法蘭西共和國),左下角「BARRE」是巴黎造幣廠首席雕刻師阿爾伯特·德西雷·貝爾的姓氏戳記。

錢幣背面是月桂和橡樹葉編織成的花環,花環中間是錢幣的面額「50 CENT.」(50分)。花環上緣標示流通地點「· INDO-CHINE FRANÇAISE ·」(法屬印度支那),下緣則是硬幣的純度和重量「TITRE 0,900. POIDS 13 GR. 5」(0.900 純度,13.5 克)。


類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


阮氏玉葉,《法屬越南的殖民政策與資本主義發展之分析》,國立臺灣大學, 碩士學位論文, 2017

Koji Matsuoka, “The Currency System In French Indochina,” Kyoto University Economic Review, 1942, pp. 44-63
