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Kingdom of Greece
Constantine II
1 Drachma
Item number: A1513
Year: AD 1966
Material: Silver
Size: 20.9 x 20.9 x 1.5 mm
Weight: 4.0 g
Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020
This is a 1 drachma silver coin issued by Greece in AD 1966, during the period when the country was still a monarchy.
The obverse of the coin features a young left-facing portrait of King Constantine II, with the engraver’s name “Β. ΦaλΗΡΕaC” (V. Phalireas) inscribed below the neck. The lower edge of the coin bears the year of issue “1966,” and the surrounding circular inscription reads “ΚωΝCΤaΝΤῙΝΟC ΒaCΙλΕῪC ΤῶΝ ἙλλῊΝωΝ,” which translates to “Constantine, King of the Greeks.”
The reverse of the coin features the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Greece: a white cross shield topped with a crown, flanked by the mythological Greek hero Hercules, who is holding a club. The lower edge of the coin shows the denomination “• 1 ΔΡaΧΜῊ•” (1 drachma), and the surrounding inscription reads “ΒaCΊλΕΙΟΝ ΤἮC Ἑλλ’aΔΟC” (Kingdom of Greece).
King Constantine II reigned from AD 1964 to AD 1973 and was related to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom by blood. In AD 1960, as a prince, Constantine II participated in the Rome Olympics and achieved a remarkable gold medal in sailing. In AD 1967, Greece experienced a military coup, and his power was effectively diminished. In AD 1973, the military government abolished the monarchy, forcing King Constantine II and his family into exile in Rome, marking the end of the Greek monarchy.