Kingdom of Prussia

Wilhelm I

1 Silbergroschen




Item number: A1514

Year: AD 1868

Material: Billon

Size: 18.3 x 18.3 x 0.9 mm

Weight: 2.1 g

Manufactured by: Berlin State Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020

This is a 1 Silbergroschen coin issued by the Kingdom of Prussia in AD 1868, at a time when the unification of the German states had not yet been completed. Silbergroschen was a type of currency that was commonly used in various German states in the northern part of Germany before the unification of Germany.

The obverse of the coin features a right-facing portrait of King Wilhelm I of Prussia, with the surrounding inscription in a circular pattern reading “WILHELM KOENIG VON PREUSSEN” (Wilhelm, King of Prussia).

The reverse of the coin features the denomination and year of issue in German, with “1 SILBER GROSCHEN” (1 Silbergroschen) and “1868” prominently displayed. At the bottom is the mintmark “A,” indicating that the coin was struck at the Berlin State Mint. The upper edge of the coin displays the exchange rate between this coin and higher denomination thalers: “30 EINEN THALER” (30 coins equal 1 Thaler). The lower edge is inscribed with “SCHEIDE MÜNZE” (fiat coin), denoting the coin as legal tender in the Kingdom of Prussia.

Wilhelm I ascended to the throne of the Kingdom of Prussia in AD 1861, succeeding his late brother. During his reign, he appointed the conservative Otto von Bismarck as Prime Minister, who played a pivotal role in both domestic and foreign policies. In military matters, Wilhelm I, drawing from his experience in the Napoleonic Wars, relied on capable generals such as Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, who facilitated the modernisation of the Prussian army. Through victories in the three key wars— the Second Schleswig War (AD 1864), the Austro-Prussian War (AD 1866), and the Franco-Prussian War (AD 1870)— Wilhelm I became the first Emperor (Kaiser) of the unified German Empire, which was proclaimed in AD 1871.

物件編號: A1514

年代: 公元 1868 年

材質: 銅銀合金

尺寸: 18.3 x 18.3 x 0.9 mm

重量: 2.1 g

製造地: 柏林國家造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2020


錢幣正面是時任普魯士國王的威廉一世右側頭像,周圍的環形銘文為國王名諱和頭銜「WILHELM KOENIG VON PREUSSEN」(威廉 普魯士國王)。

錢幣背面的中央以德文標示面額和發行年代,「1 SILBER GROSCHEN」(1銀格羅申) 和「1868」,最下方有一個「A」代表錢幣出自柏林國家造幣廠。錢幣上緣是硬幣跟大面額塔勒之間的兌換率「30 EINEN THALER」(30枚兌換1塔勒),下緣則標示這枚硬幣為普魯士王國的法定貨幣「SCHEIDE MÜNZE」。


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