Buyid Dynasty

Baha al-Dawla

Gold Dinar




Item number: A1484

Year: AD 989 (AH 379)

Material: Gold

Size: 23.2 x 22.8 mm

Weight: 3.11 g

Manufactured by: Round city of Baghdad

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024

This is a gold dinar minted in AH 379 (AD 989) by Baha al-Dawla, one of the rulers of the Buyid dynasty.

The obverse of the coin features seven lines of Arabic inscriptions arranged vertically from top to bottom, reading: “ملك” (Malik, King), “لا اله الا الله” (La ilaha illa Allah, There is no deity but God), “وحده لا شريك له” (Wahdahu la sharika lahu, He is One with no partner), “الملك بهاء الدولة” (Al-Malik Baha al-Dawla, King Baha al-Dawla), “وضياء المللة” (Wa Dhiya al-Milla, And Light of the Faith), “وغياث الامة” (Wa Ghiath al-Umma, And Relief of the Nation), and “الملوك” (Al-Muluk, The Kings), underscoring both the ruler’s political authority and religious legitimacy.

The coin is surrounded by two circular inscriptions. The inner circle marks the minting location and date: “بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر بمدينه السلام سنة تسع وسبعين وثلثمائة” (In the name of God, this dinar was struck in the City of Peace in the year 379 AH, in Baghdad’s Round City). The outer inscription is an excerpt from the Quran, Surah Ar-Rum (30:4): “لله الأمر من قبل ومن بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر الله” (To God belongs the command, before and after. And on that day, the believers will rejoice in the victory of God), conveying the message that all matters are under God’s control and that the faithful will rejoice in His victory.

The reverse of the coin features six lines of inscriptions arranged vertically from top to bottom, reading: “لله” (Li-llah, To God), “محمد رسول الله” (Muhammad Rasul Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of God), “القادر بالله” (Al-Qadir bi-llah, Al-Qadir, the 25th caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate), “شاهنشاه قوام” (Shahanshah Qawam, King of Kings, Qawam), “الدين ابو نصر” (Al-Din Abu Nasr, Aladdin Abu Nasr), and “ابن بويه” (Ibn Buwaih, Son of Buwaih), indicating the religious and political authority of the ruler.

The circular inscription around the coin is an excerpt from the Quran, Surah At-Tawbah (9:33): “محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون” (Muhammad Rasul Allah, He sent him with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists may dislike it).

The Buyid dynasty, established by the Daylamites from the Caspian Sea region, was a Shiite dynasty that is regarded as a crucial period for the revival of Iranian culture. The dynasty’s territory extended from Iran to include regions of Iraq and Oman, with each area governed by its own emir, maintaining a loosely centralised system of rule.

物件編號: A1484

年代: 公元 989 (回曆 379) 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 23.2 x 22.8 mm

重量: 3.11 g

製造地: 巴格達圓城

來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2024

這是一枚回曆379年 (公元989年),布維西王朝的統治者之一,巴哈·道萊鑄造的金第納爾。

錢幣正面的中央有七道阿拉伯銘文,從上而下,分別是「ملك」(國王)、「لا اله الا الله 」(萬物非主,唯有真主)、「وحده لا شريك له」(無人能與之比擬)、「الملك بهاء الدولة」(巴哈·道萊國王)、「وضياء المللة」(和宗教之光)、「وغياث الامة」(並為國家解憂) 和「الملوك」(國王),以此顯示統治者在宗教和政治上的威望。

錢幣周圍有兩道環形銘文,較內圈的標示鑄造地點和時間「بسم الله ضرب هذا الدينر بمدينه السلام سنة تسع وسبعين وثلثمائة」(奉真主之名,這枚第納爾於回曆379年鑄造於巴格達圓城),外圍的銘文摘錄自《古蘭經30:4》「لله الأمر من قبل ومن بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون بنصر الله」,意思是「於數年之間。以前和以後,凡事歸真主主持。在那日,信道的人將要歡喜」。

錢幣背面的中央有六道銘文,從上而下,分別是「لله」(阿拉)、「محمد رسول الله」(穆罕默德是真主的使者)、「القادر بالله」(卡迪爾,阿拔斯帝國第二十五代哈里發)、「شاهنشاه قوام」(王中之王)、「الدين ابو نصر」(阿拉丁·阿布·納賽爾) 和「ابن بويه」(布維西之子)。

錢幣周圍的環形銘文出自《古蘭經9:33》「محمد رسول الله ارسله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون」,意思是「他曾以正道和真教的使命委託他的使者,以便他使真教勝過一切宗教,即使以物配主者不願意」。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


Michael Mitchiner, Oriental Coins and Their Values: The World of Islam (London: Hawkins Publications, 1977)
