Kingdom of Sardinia

Charles Albert

100 Lire



100 里拉

Item number: A1529

Year: AD 1832

Material: Gold (.900)

Size: 32.3 x 32.3 mm

Weight: 32.69 g

Manufactured by: Genoa Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2020

This is a 100-lira gold coin minted in AD 1832 by the Genoa Mint, issued under the reign of King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia.

The obverse of the coin features the portrait of Carlo Alberto, facing left. Surrounding the portrait is the Latin inscription “CAR.ALBERTUS D.G. REX SARD. CYP. ET HIER.,” which stands for “Carolus Albertus Dei Gratia Rex Sardinian Cyprium et Hierusalem,” meaning “Carlo Alberto, by the grace of God, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, and Jerusalem.” Below the portrait, the small inscription “FERRARIS” refers to Giuseppe Ferraris, an engraver at the Turin Mint, whose designs were used for all coins issued during Carlo Alberto’s reign.

The reverse depicts the coat of arms of the House of Savoy, with a central square shield bearing a cross. Encircling the shield is the collar of the “Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation,” a prestigious chivalric order associated with the House of Savoy. Within the triangular emblem of the collar is a depiction of the Annunciation scene, symbolising the Virgin Mary’s conception. Encircling this is a laurel wreath, and on the outer edge, the Latin inscription “DVX SAB. GENVAE ET MONTISF. PRINC. PED. &.” translates to “Dux Sabaudiae Genuae et Montis Ferrati Princeps Pedemontanus,” meaning “Duke of Savoy, Genoa, and Montferrat, Prince of Piedmont,” On the lower left, the letter “P” denotes Luca Podesta, the mint master of the Genoa Mint, while the anchor symbol signifies the coin’s production at this mint. The inscription “L. 100” at the bottom indicates a denomination of 100 lira.

The Sardinian lira was essentially standardised on the modernised French franc, though it retained the traditional Italian denomination of “lira.” It was first issued in AD 1816, and the 100-lira gold coin was introduced in AD 1832. After the unification of Italy in AD 1861, it was replaced by the Italian lira, which remained in circulation until the euro was adopted.

Carlo Alberto, King of Sardinia from AD 1831 to 1849, played a significant role in the Italian unification movement. As a member of the ancient House of Savoy, he upheld the tradition of monarchical authority. Initially, his reign was marked by support for royal absolutism and suppression of liberal movements, yet he endorsed the idaea of an “Italian Federation” and pursued modernisation in industry, law, and commerce. In AD 1848, amid a wave of revolutionary uprisings across Europe, Carlo Alberto promulgated the Statuto Albertino, establishing a constitutional monarchy. In AD 1849, responding to calls for Italian unification, Sardinia declared war on Austria to reclaim Milan, initiating the First Italian War of Independence. Following defeat at the Battle of Novara that same year, Carlo Alberto abdicated and passed away shortly thereafter. His son, Victor Emmanuel II, later became the first king of a united Italy.

物件編號: A1529

年代: 公元 1832 年

材質: 黃金 (900‰)

尺寸: 17.7 x 15.6 x 1.7 mm

重量: 32.69 g

製造地: 熱那亞鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2020


金幣的正面是卡洛·阿爾貝托的肖像,面朝左。周圍環繞著拉丁簡寫「CAR.ALBERTUS D.G. REX SARD. CYP. ET HIER.」,即「Carolus Albertus Dei Gratia Rex Sardinian Cyprium et Hierusalem」,意為「卡洛·阿爾貝托,蒙上帝恩典,撒丁尼亞、賽普勒斯與耶路撒冷國王」。肖像下方小字「FERRARIS」為都靈鑄幣廠雕刻師朱塞佩·費拉里斯(Giuseppe Ferraris)的署名,卡洛·阿爾貝托發行的所有硬幣都來自他的設計。

金幣的背面是薩伏依王室的紋章,中央為方形盾徽承載著十字,盾徽外緣為薩伏依王室「聖母領報至高騎士團(Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation)」的鏈章,鏈章下方的三角形徽章中描繪了天使報喜,聖母有孕的場面。其外再環繞著桂冠,桂冠外緣環繞著拉丁簡寫「DVX SAB. GENVAE ET MONTISF. PRINC. PED. &.」,即「Dux Sabaudiae Genuae et Montis Ferrati Princeps Pedemontanus.」,意為「薩伏依、熱那亞與蒙費拉特公爵,皮埃蒙特親王」。左下角的「P」代表熱那亞鑄幣廠廠長路卡·波德斯塔(Luca Podesta),船錨符號表示該硬幣是由熱那亞鑄幣廠所製。下方「L. 100」代表了面額100里拉。


卡洛·阿爾貝托是撒丁尼亞的國王,公元1831年至1849年在位,在位期間對義大利統一運動產生深遠的影響。身為古老的薩伏依家族成員,他繼承了強調君主權威的傳統。在即位之初,他支持各國王室專制,鎮壓自由主義運動,但支持「義大利聯邦」的思想,並著手工業化與法律、商業的現代化。公元1848年,在各國接連爆發的革命浪潮下,卡洛·阿爾貝托簽署《阿爾貝蒂諾法令(Statuto Albertino)》,建立君主立憲政府。公元1849年,於義大利統一運動的號召下,撒丁尼亞向奧地利宣戰以奪取米蘭,是為第一次義大利獨立戰爭。同年,於諾瓦拉戰役中,戰敗並退位,並於同年逝世。其子維克多·伊曼紐二世(Victor Emmanuel II),後成為義大利統一後第一任國王。

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Gigante, Fabio. Catalogo nazionale delle monete italiane dal ‘700 alla fine della lira. Gigante, 2025.

Bertoldi, Silvio. Il re che tentò di fare l’Italia. Vita di Carlo Alberto di Savoia. Milano: Rizzoli, 2000.

Forrer, Leonard. Biographical Dictionary Of Medallists V3, I-Maz: Coin, Gem, And Seal-Engravers, Mint-Masters, Etc., Ancient And Modern, With References To Their Works B.C. 500-A.D. 1900 (1907). Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing, 2008.
