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Kingdom of Spain
Isabel II
4 Reales
Item number: A1567
Year: AD 1853
Material: Silver (.900)
Size: 23.1 x 23.1 x 1.3 mm
Weight: 5.0 g
Manufactured by: Royal Mint of Seville
Provenance: Da Chen Stamps & Coins Collection 2014
This is a 4-real silver coin minted in AD 1853 by the Royal Mint of Seville, under the Kingdom of Spain, and issued by Queen Isabella II.
The obverse of the coin features the portrait of Queen Isabella II, facing right. Surrounding the portrait is the Spanish inscription “ISABEL 2A. POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS Y LA CONST,” meaning “Isabella II, by the Grace of God and the Constitution.” Below the portrait, the year “1853” marks the year of issue.
The reverse of the coin displays the Spanish lesser coat of arms. The second and fourth quadrants of the central shield feature a tower representing Castile, while the first and third quadrants depict a crowned, standing lion symbolizing León. Above the shield is the royal crown of Spain. The denomination “4. RS.” appears on either side of the shield, indicating the coin’s value as 4 reales. Encircling the design is the Spanish inscription “REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS,” translating to “Queen of the Spains.” Below the shield, two seven-pointed stars serve as mint marks, denoting its production at the Royal Mint of Seville.
In AD 1853, Isabella II was 23 years old, and the Kingdom of Spain was gradually recovering from a series of succession wars instigated by her uncle, Carlos, in his bid for the throne. However, Spain soon faced new challenges brought by the waves of liberal and republican revolutions sweeping across Europe. Amid the fierce confrontation between liberals and conservatives, Isabella II’s repeated attempts to reform her government ended in failure, leading to a steady decline in her popularity among the populace. Beginning in AD 1866, a series of agricultural and financial crises culminated in the Glorious Revolution of 1868. As a result, Isabella II was exiled to France, and Spain entered its Republican period.
物件編號: A1567
年代: 公元 1853 年
材質: 銀 (900‰)
尺寸: 23.1 x 23.1 x 1.3 mm
重量: 5.0 g
製造地: 塞維爾皇家鑄幣廠
來源: 大城郵幣社 2014
銀幣正面為伊莎貝爾二世肖像,面朝右。周圍環繞著西班牙文「ISABEL 2A. POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS Y LA CONST」,意為「伊莎貝爾二世,蒙上帝與憲法恩典」。下方「1853」為發行年。
銀幣的背面是西班牙的小盾徽,中央盾徽的第二與第四象限為代表卡斯提爾的高塔,第一與第四象限為代表里昂的戴冠站立雄獅,其上是西班牙王冠。兩側「4. RS.」標示幣值為4里爾。周圍環繞著西班牙文「REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS」,意為「西班牙女王」。下方有兩個七芒星,是為塞維爾皇家鑄幣廠鑄造標記。