Republic of Korea

1988 Olympic Commemorative

25000 Won




Item number: A1534

Year: AD 1987

Material: Gold (.925)

Size: 26.9 x 26.9 x 1.8 mm

Weight: 16.8 g

Manufactured by: Gyeongsan Mint

Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2014

This is a commemorative Olympic gold coin with a face value of 25,000 Korean won, minted in AD 1987 by the Gyeongsan Mint of the Korea Minting and Security Printing Corporation and issued by the Bank of Korea. The issuance of this coin served two purposes: firstly, to follow the tradition established since the 15th Olympic Games in Finland, where the host country issues commemorative coins; and secondly, to raise funds for hosting the Olympic Games.

The obverse of the coin features the national emblem of South Korea, prominently positioned slightly above the centre. The emblem consists of the national flower, the mugunghwa (hibiscus syriacus), encircling a central Taegeuk symbol. The emblem is further adorned with a decorative ribbon inscribed with the Korean text “대한민국” (Daehan Minguk), meaning “Republic of Korea,” supported by a cluster of five hibiscus flowers at its base. Encircling the upper portion of the coin is the inscription in Korean, “제 24회 서울 올림픽대회,” translating to “The 24th Seoul Olympic Games.” Below, the text “한국은행 1987 오천원” (Bank of Korea 1987, 5,000 Won) completes the design.

The reverse side depicts the traditional Korean “Fan Dance” (부채춤), a cultural performance originating from Korea. Encircling the scene is the inscription “XXIV OLYMPIAD SEOUL 1988 25000 WON,” signifying “The 24th Olympic Games, Seoul 1988, 25,000 Won.” The fan dance was choreographed by Kim Baek-bong (김백봉) in AD 1954, incorporating elements of traditional shamanic rituals, court dances, and folk movements. Today, it is recognised as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the South Korean government and actively promoted as a symbol of Korean cultural identity.

The 1988 Olympic Games were held in Seoul, South Korea, marking the first time the Olympics were hosted by Korea and only the second Summer Olympics to be held in Asia, following the Tokyo Olympics in AD 1964. This edition of the Games attracted approximately 8,391 athletes from 160 nations, competing in 23 major sports and 237 events, making it the largest Olympic Games ever held at the time. The Seoul Olympics symbolised South Korea’s rapid modernisation, showcasing the nation’s economic achievements and cultural influence on a global stage. Unlike the preceding two Olympics, which were marred by Cold War-related boycotts, this event was notable for its theme of peace and reconciliation. South Korea actively invited nearly all nations, including those from the communist bloc, fostering a spirit of global unity. The success of Asian athletes, including those from South Korea, underscored the globalisation and modernisation of sports, marking the 1988 Seoul Olympics as a significant milestone in Olympic history.

物件編號: A1534

年代: 公元 1987 年

材質: 黃金 (925‰)

尺寸: 26.9 x 26.9 x 1.8 mm

重量: 16.8 g

製造地: 慶山鑄幣廠

來源: 大城郵幣社 2014


金幣的正面中央偏上是韓國國徽,為韓國的國花無窮花(即木槿),承托著中央的太極圖。以飾帶環繞,下方的飾帶上書有韓文「대한민국」,即「大韓民國」,國徽整體再由下方的一簇五朵木槿花所承托。上方環繞著韓文「제 24회 서울 올림픽대회」,意即「第24屆首爾奧林匹克運動會」,下方則環繞著「한국은행 1987 오천원」,即「韓國銀行1987五千元」。

金幣的背面是「부채춤」的場景,為韓國傳統的扇舞。周圍環繞著「XXIV OLYMPIAD SEOUL 1988 25000 WON」的字樣,即「第24屆1988首爾奧林匹克運動會 25000元」。扇舞由舞者金白鳳(김백봉)於公元1954年所創作,金白鳳融合了傳統薩滿儀式舞蹈、宮廷與民間舞步,創作了扇舞,在當代則被韓國政府指名為國家無形遺產,加以推廣。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

澳大利亞 墨爾本藝術與遺產收藏處 City of Melbourne Art & Heritage Collection


Menard, Michele. Coins of the Modern Olympic Games. London: Michele Consultants. 1991.
