Tang Jiyao Protector of the Republic Commemorative Coin

3 Mace 6 Candareens




Item number: A1569

Year: AD 1917

Material: Silver

Size: 31.5 x 31.5 mm

Manufactured by: Yunnan Mint

Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2014

This is a commemorative silver coin minted in the 6th year of the Republic of China (AD 1917) by the Yunnan Mint. It was issued to commemorate Tang Jiyao, the leader of the Yunnan military clique, and his role in organising the “National Protection Army” in opposition to Yuan Shikai’s attempt to restore the monarchy.

The obverse of the coin features two beaded circles. At the centre is a frontal portrait of Tang Jiyao in military attire, with his face slightly turned to the left. The lower outer edge is adorned with a decorative motif of tied ears of grain, while the upper half bears the inscription of Tang Jiyao’s title during the National Protection War: “Commander-in-Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau, Tang” (軍務院撫軍長唐).

The reverse of the coin also features two beaded circles. At the centre, a pair of crossed flags is depicted—one being the Five-Coloured Flag and the other the Iron-Blood Eighteen-Star Flag, both adorned with flag tassells. Above the flags, a five-pointed star serves as a decorative element. On the outer edge, five-pointed stars are positioned on both the left and right sides as separators. The upper portion bears the inscription “Commemoration of the Protector of the Republic” (擁護共和紀念), while the lower portion displays the coin’s denomination: “Kuping 3 Mace 6 Candareens” (庫平三錢六分).

Tang Jiyao was a prominent political figure in Yunnan during the late Qing and early Republican periods. In December of the 4th year of the Republic (AD 1915), as Yuan Shikai, the dominant force in the Beiyang government, sought to restore the monarchy, Tang Jiyao returned to his native Yunnan, declared independence, and opposed Yuan’s claim to the throne. He organised the National Protection Army in Yunnan and launched the National Protection War, which gained support from multiple provinces and ultimately forced Yuan Shikai to abandon his imperial ambitions.

From the 5th year of the Republic (AD 1916) onward, Tang Jiyao became the de facto ruler of Yunnan and exerted significant influence over the political landscape of southern China during the early Republican period. His rule continued until the 16th year of the Republic (AD 1927), when he was overthrown in a military coup by his subordinates and subsequently imprisoned until his death.

物件編號: A1569

年代: 公元 1917 年


尺寸: 31.5 x 31.5 mm

製造地: 雲南造幣廠

來源: 大城郵幣社 2014

這是一枚民國6年 (公元1917年),雲南造幣廠為紀念其主政者,滇系軍閥唐繼堯組織「護國軍」反抗袁世凱推行帝制事蹟推行的紀念銀幣。



唐繼堯是活躍於清末民初的雲南政治人物。民國4年 (公元1915年) 12月,當主宰北洋政府的袁世凱意圖重新恢復帝制之際,唐繼堯回到故鄉雲南宣布獨立並反對袁世凱稱帝的訴求,並且在雲南組織護國軍發動護國戰爭,得到多個省份的響應成功迫使袁世凱放棄稱帝。自民國5年 (公元1916年) 起,唐繼堯成為雲南實質主政者並且對於民初的南方政局擁有龐大的影響力,直到民國16年 (公元1927年) 遭到部下發動兵變並且遭到禁錮至死為止。

類似/相同物件 請看:


臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History


耿愛德,《中國幣圖說滙考金銀鎳鋁》(北京: 金城出版社, 2014)

林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)

