Qing Dynasty

Guangxu Yuanbao

7.2 Candareens

Guangxu 25th year

Zhejiang Province

(Wei Stelae Version)






Item number: A1625

Year: AD 1899

Material: Silver

Size: 18.8 x 18.8 x 0.6 mm

Weight: 2.35 g

Manufactured by: Zhejiang Silver Coin Bureau

Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2014

This is a “Guangxu Yuanbao” coin minted in the 25th year of Guangxu (AD 1899) by the Zhejiang Silver Coin Bureau, with a denomination of 7.2 candareens. Due to its age, the coin’s surface has undergone significant wear, but its details can still be discerned with some effort.

The obverse of the coin features a coiled dragon at the centre, depicted spewing a fireball. The upper edge bears the minting location in Wade-Giles Romanisation as “CHEH-KIANG PROVINCE,” while the lower edge indicates the denomination as “7.2 CANDAREENS.”

The reverse of the coin features two beaded circles. At the centre, the inscription “光緒元寶” (Guangxu Yuanbao) is displayed in both Chinese and Manchu script, with the Chinese characters written in the Wei stelae script style by the renowned Zhejiang calligrapher Tao Junxuan. The outer rim is adorned with four-petalled floral motifs as separators on the left and right sides. The upper edge bears the Chinese inscription “浙江省造” (Minted in Zhejiang Province), while the lower edge indicates the denomination as “庫平七分二釐” (Kuping 7.2 Candareens).

Zhejiang, located along China’s southeastern coast, had long been a region where foreign silver coins circulated extensively. However, it was not until the 25th year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1899) that the first Western-style mint in Zhejiang, the “Zhejiang Silver Coin Bureau,” was established under the initiative of Provincial Governor Liao Shoufeng, who oversaw the procurement of minting machinery from Germany.

物件編號: A1625

年代: 公元 1899 年


尺寸: 18.8 x 18.8 x 0.6 mm

重量: 2.35 g

製造地: 浙江銀元局

來源: 大城郵幣社 2014

這是一枚光緒25年 (公元1899年),浙江銀元局負責鑄造的「光緒元寶」其面額為七分二釐,由於年代久遠,錢幣表面已有嚴重的磨損,但尚能勉強判斷細節。

錢幣正面的中央是一隻吐著火球的蟠龍,上緣以威妥瑪拼音系統的英文標示鑄造地點「CHEH-KIANG PROVINCE」(浙江省),下緣則標示面額「7.2 CANDAREENS」(七分二釐)。


浙江位處中國東南沿海,長期是外國銀幣流通的地區,但一直到光緒25年 (公元1899年),浙江巡撫廖壽豐籌備下從德國購置機器,方才建立浙江首座西式造幣廠「浙江銀元局」。

類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History





林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)

汪運渠,〈陶濬宣書“光緒元寶”幣文〉,《西安市: 藝術品鑒》,(2014),頁64-67

劉皓,〈浙江省造光緒元寶楷書版銀幣制作時間考〉,《北京市: 中國錢幣》,(2005),頁63-65
