Kingdom of Portugal

John V

400 Réis Gold Coin




Item number: A1588

Year: AD 1720

Material: Gold (.917)

Size: 13.2 x 13.4 x 0.3 mm

Weight: 0.9 g

Manufactured by: Mint of Lisbon

Provenance: Fuchin 2016

This is a Cruzado Novo gold coin minted in AD 1720 by the Lisbon Mint, issued in the name of King John V (João V) of Portugal with a face value of 400 réis.

The obverse of the coin bears the inscription “IOAN V”, referring to John V, flanked by cloverleaf motifs on both sides. Above it is the Portuguese royal crown, which, along with the coin’s design, frames plumed sprigs, possibly representing palm branches. In theological symbolism, the palm tree, known for its height, lush foliage, and evergreen nature, signifies the exaltation of Jesus Christ. Below the inscription, the numeral “400” denotes the coin’s face value of 400 réis.

The reverse features the cross of the Royal Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Real Ordem Militar de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo), an order established in AD 1319. This order was created by Denis I of Portugal, who reconstituted the persecuted Knights Templar under this new designation in recognition of their contributions during the Reconquista. Between the four arms of the cross, there are four smaller crosses, serving as the mark of the Lisbon Mint. Encircling the design is the Latin motto “IN HOC SIGNO VINCES”, meaning “By this sign, you shall conquer”. This phrase originates from the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, who, according to legend, saw a vision of the cross before battle and heard these words, subsequently adopting the Chi-Rho symbol on his banners, leading to his decisive victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. A similar legend surrounds Afonso I, the first King of Portugal, who is said to have experienced a divine revelation of Christ, inspiring his triumph against the Moors at the Battle of Ourique. Below the cross, the date “1720” indicates the year of issue.

The Cruzado was traditionally Portugal’s gold coin, characterised by the cross on its surface. Due to the scarcity of gold mines in late medieval Europe, it was widely used in European trade. Since Portugal adopted a bimetallic standard, the Cruzado was typically denominated in silver réis. The Cruzado Novo was introduced as a response to the gold rush in Brazil from the 1690s onwards, which led to a long-term devaluation of gold. In an effort to stabilise the currency, a new system of gold and silver coins was introduced. Although the Cruzado Novo was officially valued at 400 réis, legal provisions allowed it to be used at 480 réis.

John V was the fourth monarch of the House of Braganza, ruling Portugal from AD 1706 to 1750. His reign, marked by the vast influx of Brazilian gold, was known as the “Era of Magnificence”, making Portugal one of Europe’s wealthiest nations. The wealth derived from the gold mines of Minas Gerais financed grand architectural projects, such as the Palácio de Mafra, and strengthened both the Portuguese army and navy.

In international affairs, John V pursued an assertive foreign policy, seeking alliances with France and Austria, and securing Papal support from Pope Clement XI. During his reign, Portugal expanded its colonial presence in India, Africa, and the Americas, consolidating control over Goa and strengthening its dominion over the Amazon Basin.

Upon ascending the throne, John V inherited Portugal’s involvement in the War of the Spanish Succession, aligning with Britain and Austria. Exploiting the military challenges of the war, he initiated military reforms. Domestically, to counterbalance the influence of the Church, he promoted the development of the University of Coimbra, fostering cultural and scientific advancements. Simultaneously, he reinforced absolutist rule, diminishing the power of the nobility and parliament. In the later years of his reign, health issues affected his governance, exacerbating Portugal’s financial crisis.

物件編號: A1588

年代: 公元 1720 年

材質: 黃金 (917‰)

尺寸: 13.2 x 13.4 x 0.3 mm

重量: 0.9 g

製造地: 里斯本鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2016

這是一枚公元1720年,由里斯本鑄幣廠鑄造,以葡萄牙國王若昂五世之名發行的,面額400里爾的新克魯薩多(Cruzado Novo)金幣。

金幣的正面「IOAN V」即「若昂五世」,幣文的兩側點綴著四葉草。其上為葡萄牙王冠,王冠與幣紋的兩側翼護著羽狀的嫩枝,可能是棕櫚。在神學中,因其高大、茂盛、長青,而代表著耶穌基督的崇高。下方「400」標示了面額400里爾。

金幣的背面為主耶穌基督皇家軍事騎士團(Real Ordem Militar de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo)的十字,該騎士團於公元1319年創設。由於聖殿騎士團在收復失地運動期間的貢獻,葡萄牙國王迪尼什一世以此名義重建了在歐陸多數地區遭迫害的聖殿騎士團。基督騎士團十字的四臂間,另有四個較小的十字,是為里斯本鑄幣廠的標記。周圍環繞著拉丁格言「IN HOC SIGNO VINCES」,意為「憑此標誌,你將得勝」。出典自羅馬君士坦丁大帝,相傳他在戰前見到十字異象,並聽得此語,此後以十字☧為旗,果然在米爾維安大橋戰役大勝。而相傳首位葡萄牙國王,阿方索一世,也經歷了基督的顯現與啟示,從而在奧里基戰役中以寡擊眾,大勝穆斯林。下方「1720」,則標示了發行年。





類似/相同物件 請看:

葡萄牙 貨幣博物館 Museu Casa da Moeda

巴西 貨幣博物館 NUMIS – Museu Numismático


Disney, A. R. A history of Portugal and the Portuguese empire : from beginnings to 1807. Volume 1, Portugal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Disney, A. R. A history of Portugal and the Portuguese empire : from beginnings to 1807. Volume 2, The Portuguese Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Cuhaj, George S. Standard Catalog of World Coins 1701-1800. Wisconsin: Krause Pubns Inc, 2011.
