Ptolemaic Kingdom

Ptolemy III Euergetes

Bronze Coin




Item number: A1649

Year: 246-222 BC

Material: Bronze

Size: 38.6 x 37.5 x 4.7 mm

Weight: 37.25 g

Provenance: Coincraft 2017

This is a bronze coin minted during the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes (r. 246–222 BC) in the Ptolemaic Kingdom, which was centred in Egypt during the Hellenistic period.

The surface of this bronze coin has undergone significant wear, but its contours remain faintly discernible. The obverse features a right-facing portrait of Zeus-Ammon, wearing a taenia and a basileion. This depiction reflects the fusion of Greek mythology with the local Egyptian solar cult, a hallmark of Ptolemaic royal iconography.

The reverse of the coin exhibits more severe wear than the obverse. However, by referencing museum collections, it can be identified as featuring a distinctively Ptolemaic eagle with folded wings, standing on a thunderbolt and facing left. On the eagle’s shoulder is a cornucopia, symbolising abundance. The Greek inscription on either side of the eagle, “ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ,” translates literally to “of King Ptolemy.”

The Ptolemaic Kingdom was established in 305 BC following the death of Alexander the Great, when his general Ptolemy seized control of Egypt and founded a Hellenistic dynasty. While introducing Greek culture, Ptolemy I and his successors also integrated local Egyptian traditions in politics and religious practises, including adopting the title of Pharaoh. Ptolemy III, known as “Euergetes,” pursued an expansionist policy, waging wars against the neighbouring Seleucid Empire to extend his realm. Domestically, he undertook major construction projects and closely allied with the priesthood to reinforce his image as Pharaoh and consolidate his rule.

物件編號: A1649

年代: 公元前 246-222 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 38.6 x 37.5 x 4.7 mm

重量: 37.25 g

來源: 錢幣工藝 2017

這是希臘化時代之際,以埃及為統治中心的托勒密王國,第三任統治者托勒密三世「施惠者」在位期間 (公元前246至222年) 鑄造的青銅貨幣。


錢幣背面的磨損較正面嚴重,但參考其他博物館的收藏,能判斷出中央是具備托勒密特色的一隻收攏翅膀的老鷹,頭望向左邊並且站在雷霆之上,老鷹的肩膀上還有一個象徵富饒的「豐裕之角」。老鷹左右兩側的希臘文「ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ」直譯是「托勒密國王」。


類似/相同物件 請看:

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

美國 大都會藝術博物館 The Metropolitan Museum of Art

