Chinese ODMS & Insignia中國徽章China War Medal Series中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1843Keying Commemorative Medal Series耆英號紀念章系列AD 1848Liangguang Butang Silver Award Plaque (Full Size) 兩廣部堂銀賞牌(官方版)AD 1850-1899Provenance: Spink 2022Medal of Tai-Ping Series 獎武功牌系列AD 1860-1862First Opium WarCommemorative Riband Badge 第一次鴉片戰爭私人絲帶章AD 1860sProvenance: Noonans 2023Admiral Edward Winterton Turnour Miniature Medal Series海軍上將愛德華·溫特頓·特努爾迷你獎章組AD 1860-1870Provenance:1. C&T Auctioneers Valuers 20242. Bracketts Auctioneers 2003Second China War Medal Series第二次中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1861China Expedition Commemorative Medal 1860 Series中國遠征紀念獎章1860系列AD 1861The Order of the Double Dragon Series雙龍寶星系列AD 1863-1909The Tonkin ExpeditionCommemorative Medal Series東京遠征紀念獎章系列AD 1885Sea Gallantry Medal, Gold(Full Size)海上英勇獎章,金(官方版)AD 1892Provenance: Liverpool Medals 20231894-1895 Sino-Japanese War Medal (Full Size, With Case)明治二十七八年從軍記章(中日甲午戰爭)(官方版,含盒)AD 1895Provenance: Private Collector, Japan, 2022Government-General of Taiwan Medal Series臺灣總督府獎章系列AD 1895-1945Eight-Nation Alliance Medal Series八國聯軍獎章系列AD 1900-1901Tibet Medal Series西藏獎章系列AD 1905Qing Dynasty 1905 styleOfficer Lounge Suit Buttons 清 1905年式軍官大禮服鈕扣AD 1905-1912Provenance: Private Collector, Singapore, 2023Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain (Full Size), 5th Rank五等嘉禾勳章(官方版)AD 1912-1929Provenance:La Galerie Numismatique 2022Fengxiang YujiGold Medallion鳳祥裕記金章AD 1912-1949Provenance:Spink 2023Zhang Xueliang Commemorative Medal, No Grade (Signature Version)無等級張錫鑾紀念牌(簽字版)AD 1912Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024The Colonial Medal(Full Size, With Chine Clasp)Second Type殖民地獎章(官方版, 附中國銘牌)第二版AD 1914-1962Provenance:Champion Macau Auction 2024Empire of China Flying Dragon Commemorative Medal Series 中華帝國飛龍紀念章系列AD 1916Shanghai Mint Commemorative Medal上海造幣廠紀念章AD 1922Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024Cao Kun Constitution Commemorative Medal Series曹錕憲法成立紀念章系列AD 1923Manchukuo Medal Series滿洲國獎章系列AD 1932-1945Fatman Dollar Hankow Medal袁大頭漢口獎章AD 1938Provenance:Spink 2024Commemorative Medal For The Second Anniversary of The Provisional Government of The Republic of China,Cupronickel (Full Size)中華民國臨時政府成立二週年紀念章,白銅(官方版)AD 1939Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2022Mengjiang United Autonomous Government National Foundation Merit Medal (Full Size)蒙疆聯合自治政府肇建功勞章(官方版)AD 1939Provenance: eMedals 20221937-1945China Incident War Medal(Full Size, With Case)支那事變從軍記章(中國抗日戰爭)(官方版,含盒)AD 1939-1946Provenance: Private Collector, Taiwan, 20221937-1945China Incident Commemorative Medal(Full Size)支那事變紀念章(中國抗日戰爭)(官方版)AD 1942-1946Provenance: EBL’s Antiques Collectables 2022Chiang Kai-shek Cairo Conference Commemorative Medal (Full Size) 蔣介石開羅會議紀念章(官方版)AD 1943Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2014East Turkestan RepublicLoyalty Medal(Full Size)東突厥斯坦共和國忠誠獎章(官方版)AD 1946Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024Spencer Moosa Formosa Memorial Badge 史賓塞·穆沙 台灣紀念章AD 1954Provenance: Da Chen Stamps and Coins Collection 2013People Republic of ChinaMedal to Commemorate The Successful Trial Production of The First Domestically Produced Combined Coal Mining Machine(Full Size) 中華人民共和國 聯合採煤機首次試製成功獎章(官方版)AD 1955Provenance: Katz Auction 2024China Service Medal(Miniature)Marine Type陸戰隊版中國服役獎章(迷你版)AD 1960-1980Provenance: Antiques of Warwick 2024