Coin Decoration錢幣裝飾Bishopric of SalzburgWolf Dietrich von Raitenau2 Ducats(With Coin Bezel)薩爾茲堡采邑總主教區沃爾夫·迪特里希·馮·雷特瑙2達克特(附硬幣邊框)AD 1595Provenance:Künker 2024Qajar Dynasty Fath Ali Shah Gold Toman Pendant卡扎爾王朝法特赫-阿里沙阿金土曼吊墜AD 1830AH 1246Provenance:Stephen Album Rare Coins 2024German EmpireYear of The Three Emperors20 Mark Watch Fob德意志第二帝國三帝之年20馬克手錶鍊吊墜AD 1888Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024Imitation Chinese Style Necklace仿中式項鍊AD 1899Provenance:Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood 2020Chinese Cufflinks Set中式袖扣組AD 1900-1960Provenance:1. Private Collector, UK, 20202. Topsham Quay Antiques Centre 2020Coronet Head Half Eagle Gold Coin5 Dollar (with coin bezel)自由女神像王冠頭半鷹幣五美元 (附硬幣邊框)AD 1901Provenance: Xiang Yun Antique 2014Indian Head 1 Cent Tie Tac 印地安頭一美分 領帶夾飾AD 1907Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2020George V & George VISilver Penny Ring Set喬治五世&喬治六世銀便士戒指組AD 1914-1941Provenance:Private Collector, UK, 2020United KingdomGeorge V3 Pence Ring英國喬治五世3便士戒指AD 1928Provenance:Private Collector, UK, 2017Fatman DollarHankow Medal袁大頭漢口獎章AD 1938Provenance:Spink 2024Dominion of CanadaGeorge VI1 Cent Bracelet加拿大自治領喬治六世1分手鐲AD 1939-1945Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2017