Eight-Nation Alliance Medal Series 八國聯軍獎章系列Austria-HungaryWar Medal 1873Series奧匈帝國戰爭獎章 1873系列AD 1873United KingdomArmy Ordnance Corps Headdress 英國陸軍軍械兵團帽徽AD 1896-1918Provenance:Aberdeen Medals 2023United KingdomRoyal Engineers Headdress 英國皇家工兵帽徽AD 1898-1901Provenance:Aberdeen Medals 2023German Army China Service Commemorative Medal (Full Size)德軍中國服役紀念章(官方版)AD 1897-1901Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2024Shanhaiguan Shooting Medal(Former Guangxu Yuanbao, Emperor Guangxu 26th) 山海關德國射擊獎章(原光緒元寶,光緒26年)AD 1900Provenance: Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH 2023Eight-Nation AllianceGerman China Campaign MedalSeries八國聯軍中國紀念獎章系列AD 1901Wilhelm IIWar in China Silver Commemorative Badge威廉二世中國戰爭銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 2024Marshal Waldersee Homecoming Silver Commemorative Badge瓦德西元帥歸國銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: WAG 2024Bombardment of The Taku FortsSilver Commemorative Badge砲擊大沽口要塞銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 2024German Expeditionary ForceBronze Commemorative Badge德國遠征軍銅質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 20241900Boxer Rebellion War Medal (Full Size, With Case) 明治三十三年從軍記章(八國聯軍)(官方版,含盒)AD 1901Provenance: Dixons Medal 2022Eight-Nation Alliance Commemorative Medal for The Far East Campaign, China 八國聯軍 中國遠東戰役紀念獎章系列AD 1901Eight-Nation Alliance Medal for the China Campaign 1900-1901 八國聯軍 1900-1901中國行動獎章系列AD 1901Eight-Nation AllianceChina Expedition Commemorative Medal 1901(Full Size, With Case & China Clasp)八國聯軍中國遠征紀念獎章 1901(官方版,含盒,附中國銘牌)AD 1902Provenance:Private Collector, France, 2022Eight-Nation Alliance China War Medal Series八國聯軍第三次中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1902Eight-Nation Alliance Gold Enamel Tianjin Provisional Government Commemorative Medal 金質琺瑯天津臨時政府紀念章AD 1902Provenance:1. Spink 20242. Direct descendant of BT. MAJOR G.H.G MOCKLER.Eight-Nation Alliance Transport Medal Series 八國聯軍運輸獎章系列AD 1903Eight-Nation Alliance China Campaign Commemorative Medal (Full Size)八國聯軍 中國戰役紀念獎章(官方版)AD 1903Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022Eight-Nation AllianceChina Campaign Medal Series八國聯軍中國戰役獎章系列AD 1905Eight-Nation AllianceImperial Order of the Dragon Later Type (Full Size) 八國聯軍後期型帝國之龍勳章(官方版)AD 1908Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022Eight-Nation AllianceMilitary Order of The Dragon Series八國聯軍軍事之龍勳章系列AD 1908U.S.Army 15th Infantry Regiment Unit Crest美軍第15步兵團單位章AD 1938-1945Provenance: Private Collector, USA, 2024U.S.Army 14th Infantry Regiment Unit Crest Series美軍第14步兵團單位章系列AD 1945Eight-Nation AllianceChina Relief Expedition Navy Service Medal, Later Type (Modern Miniature) 八國聯軍 後期型 海軍遣華解救遠征軍獎章(現代迷你版)AD 2000sProvenance: Private Collector, USA, 2023