German Orders, Decorations, Medals德國徽章Order of the Zähringer Lion Series, Grand Duchy of Baden Series扎林格雄獅勳章系列AD 1812-1918Breast Pin of The Order of The Black Eagle(Miniature)黑鷹勳章胸針(迷你版)AD 1813-1918Provenance:La Galerie Numismatique 2024Red Eagle Order, Type IV,Order of The Saints Maurice And Lazarus,And The National Order of The Legion of Honour, 2nd Empire(Miniature)第四型紅鷹勳章、聖莫里茲和拉撒路騎士勳章,以及第二帝國榮譽軍團勳章(迷你版)AD 1855-1870Provenance: Kuenker Auction 2023Multinational Orders Set (Miniature)萬國勳章組(迷你版)AD 1889-1914Provenance:Morton & Eden 2024Li Hongzhang Visit to Germany Commemorative Medal李鴻章訪德紀念章AD 1896Provenance:Münzgalerie München 2024German Army China Service Commemorative Medal (Full Size)德軍中國服役紀念章(官方版)AD 1897-1901Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2024Order of Merit of Philip The Magnanimous, type II, Knight’s Cross 2nd Class (With Crown)第二版騎士二等菲利普勳章(王冠)AD 1900-1920Provenance: Dixons Medals 2022Shanhaiguan Shooting Medal(Former Guangxu Yuanbao, Emperor Guangxu 26th) 山海關德國射擊獎章(原光緒元寶,光緒26年)AD 1900Provenance: Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH 2023Eight-Nation AllianceGerman China Campaign MedalSeries八國聯軍中國紀念獎章系列AD 1901Wilhelm IIWar in China Silver Commemorative Badge威廉二世中國戰爭銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 2024Marshal Waldersee Homecoming Silver Commemorative Badge瓦德西元帥歸國銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: WAG 2024Bombardment of The Taku FortsSilver Commemorative Badge砲擊大沽口要塞銀質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 2024German Expeditionary ForceBronze Commemorative Badge德國遠征軍銅質紀念章AD 1901Provenance: Künker 2024Eight-Nation Alliance Gold Enamel Tianjin Provisional Government Commemorative Medal 金質琺瑯天津臨時政府紀念章AD 1902Provenance:Spink 2024Ferdinand von Richthofen Commemorative Medal斐迪南·馮·李希霍芬紀念章AD 1905Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024R.M.S Lusitania Medallion盧西塔尼亞號紀念章AD 1915Provenance:Spink 2024Russian Withdrawal from World War I Satirical Medal俄國退出一戰諷刺章AD 1918Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024Formation of the BavarianSoviet Republic Medal巴伐利亞蘇維埃共和國成立紀念章AD 1919Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024Restoration of The Goldmark Commemorative Medal,1936 Version1936年版恢復金馬克紀念章AD 1936Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024British ArmyThe Border RegimentCommemorative Badge英軍邊境團服役紀念章AD 1955-1959Provenance: Private Colllector, UK, 2024