Manchukuo Medal Series滿洲國獎章系列Great Manchukuo Founding of the Country Merit Medal (Full Size, With Case)大滿洲國建國功勞章(官方版, 含盒)AD 1933Provenance:Private Collector, Taiwan, 20221931-1934 China Incident War Medal(Full Size, With Case)昭和六年乃至九年事變從軍記章(九一八事變)(官方版, 含盒)AD 1934Provenance: Private Collector, Japan, 2022Manchukuo Order of the Pillars of State(Miniature)滿洲國柱國勳章(迷你版)AD 1936Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2023Regular Supporter, Manchukuo Red Cross Society Member MedalLater Type, (Full Size)後期型正贊助級滿洲國赤十字社員章(官方版)AD 1938Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 20221938-1939Border Incident War Medal (Full Size, With Case) Small Orchid Type 小蘭花版 國境事變從軍記章(官方版,含盒)AD 1939Provenance: Quan Jian Zhai 2022 Manchukuo Development Labour Service Commemorative BadgeSeries滿洲建設勞動奉仕紀念章系列AD 1939-1941