Orders, Decorations, Medals in The UK英國徽章The Most Honourable Order of The Bath Series最尊貴的巴斯勳章系列AD 1725- presentDavison’s Nile Medal,Gold金質戴維森尼羅河獎章AD 1798Provenance:1. Dixons Medals 20242. Noonans 2024Seringapatam Medal (Restrike Full Size),Silver-gilt, Calcutta Mint Version加爾各答版 銀鍍金質 塞林伽巴丹獎章 (重鑄官方版)AD 1799-1914Provenance:Dixons Medals 2022Honourable East India Company Medal for Burma(Full Size), Gold金質 英國東印度公司緬甸獎章AD 1826Provenance:Noonans 2024Royal National Institution for The Preservation of Life from Shipwreck Medal, Gold,George IV喬治四世時期金質皇家全國海難救生協會獎章AD 1827Provenance: 1. Spink 20242. Spink 20173. Sotheby 1971The Order of British India Series英屬印度勳章系列AD 1837-1947Membership Medal of the Royal Botanic Society of London(Full Size)倫敦皇家植物學會會員獎章(官方版)AD 1839-1931Provenance: 1. Noonans 20222. Bt S.H. Monks February 2006Medal for The Defence of Kelat-I-Ghilzie(Specimen, Full size) 克拉特-艾吉爾茲保衛獎章(官方版樣章)AD 1842Provenance: 1. Stack’s Bowers 20242. Noonans 2015Candahar Medal(Specimen, Full Size) 坎大哈獎章(官方版樣章)AD 1842Provenance: Dixons Medals 2024China War Medal Series中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1843British ArmyThe 49th HertfordshireRegiment of FootShoulder Belt Plate英軍第49赫特福德郡步兵團肩帶牌匾AD 1843-1881Provenance: Noonans 2024Keying Commemorative Medal Series耆英號紀念章系列AD 1848East India Company CollegeMathematic Medal東印度公司書院數學獎章AD 1849-1858Provenance: Stack’s Bowers 2024Naval General Service Medal(Mule Miniature,with Syria Clasp)海軍一般服務獎章(錯配迷你版,附敘利亞銘牌)AD 1849Provenance: Noonans 2024Punjab Medal(Specimen, Full Size)旁遮普戰役獎章(官方版樣章)AD 1849Provenance: Dixons Medals 2024The Most Distinguished Order of Order of Saint Michael And Saint George(Full Size)最傑出的聖米迦勒及聖喬治勳章(官方版)AD 1850-1870Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022Army of India Medal(Specimen, Full Size) 印度陸軍獎章(官方版樣章)AD 1851Provenance: Dixons Medals 2024Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society Life Saving Medal, Gold金質遇難漁民及水手皇家慈善協會救生獎章AD 1855Provenance: 1. Stack’s Bowers 20242. Noonans 20223. Dawson Collection4. Fevyer Collection 20085. Reference in Spink Exhibition 1985 No.89Baltic Medal(Miniature) 波羅的海獎章(迷你版)AD 1856Provenance: Noonans 2024Indian Mutiny Medal Series印度叛亂獎章系列AD 1858First Opium WarCommemorative Riband Badge 第一次鴉片戰爭私人絲帶章AD 1860sProvenance: Noonans 20231818-55 Arctic MedalCommemorative Riband Badge1818-55極地獎章私人絲帶章AD 1860sProvenance: Noonans 2023Admiral Edward Winterton Turnour Miniature Medal Series海軍上將愛德華·溫特頓·特努爾迷你獎章組AD 1860-1870Provenance:1. C&T Auctioneers Valuers 20242. Bracketts Auctioneers 2003Second China War Medal Series第二次中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1861Royal Medal of RecompenseChristian IX, 1st Type, Gold皇家功績獎章克里斯蒂安九世AD 1865-1905 Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire Series印度帝國勳章系列AD 1878-1947British ArmyThe Border Regiment Series英軍邊境團系列AD 1881-1959Egypt Medal, 2nd Type(Miniature,with Clasps)埃及獎章,第二型(迷你版,附銘牌)AD 1884-1889Provenance:J. Collins Medals 2024H.M.S. Worcester Presented Medal(Full Size)伍斯特號贈呈獎章(官方版)AD 1886Provenance:1. Noonans 20242. Jason Pilalas CollectionQueen Victoria Jubilee Medal Series維多利亞女王禧年獎章系列AD 1887-1897Countess Feodora GleichenPersonal Medal Series費奧多拉·格萊興伯爵夫人個人獎章輯AD 1887-1922Sea Gallantry Medal, Gold(Full Size)海上英勇獎章,金(官方版)AD 1892Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2023United KingdomArmy Ordnance Corps Headdress 英國陸軍軍械兵團帽徽AD 1896-1918Provenance:Aberdeen Medals 2023United KingdomRoyal Engineers Headdress 英國皇家工兵帽徽AD 1898-1901Provenance:Aberdeen Medals 2023Kaisar-i-Hind Medal series凱撒印度獎章系列AD 1900-1947Membership Token of the London Opinion Curio Club倫敦觀點古玩俱樂部會員代幣AD 1901-1914Provenance: 1. Noonans 20222. Bt H. Simmons March 2015Eight-Nation Alliance China War Medal Series八國聯軍第三次中國戰爭獎章系列AD 1902Eight-Nation Alliance Gold Enamel Tianjin Provisional Government Commemorative Medal 金質琺瑯天津臨時政府紀念章AD 1902Provenance:1. Spink 2024 2. Direct descendant of BT. MAJOR G.H.G MOCKLER.Transport Medal Series 運輸獎章系列AD 1903Tibet Medal Series西藏獎章系列AD 1905British ArmyThe Royal Berkshire RegimentLong Jump Athletics Silver Medal英軍皇家伯克郡步兵團跳遠田徑銀牌AD 1913-1914Provenance: Private Collector, UK, 2024The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own) Headdress 阿爾伯特親王步槍旅帽徽AD 1915Provenance:Spink 2022 First World War Private P.Tudor’s Medal Series第一次世界大戰 二等兵 P.Tudor 獎章組AD 1918-1919Provenance:Spink 2022 George V General Service Medal1st Type Series喬治五世一般服務獎章第一型系列AD 1918-1934Badge of The Certificateof Honour for Nigeria(Specimen, Full Size),George V喬治五世時期奈及利亞榮譽獎章(官方版樣章)AD 1922-1936Provenance:Spink 2024Noble Order of Jemima潔米瑪尊貴勳章AD 1927-1964Provenance:Spink 2022 Distinguished ServicesMedal of Lloyd’s勞合社傑出服務獎章AD 1932Provenance:Spink 2024King’s Medal for Native Chiefs(Full Size)2nd Class, George VI 喬治六世時期二等國王致贈土著酋長獎章(官方版)AD 1936-1952Provenance:Spink 2024Fatman Dollar Hankow Medal袁大頭漢口獎章AD 1938Provenance:Spink 2024Gerard Oliver SimsonGeorge V General Service Medal,2nd Type(Full Size, with Northern Kurdistan Clasp)傑拉德·奧利佛·西姆森喬治五世一般服務獎章,第二型(官方版,附北庫德斯坦銘牌)AD 1939Provenance:1. JB Military Antiques 20242. Dixons Medals 1997Queen’s Medal for Native Chiefs(Full Size, with Case)1st Class, 1st Type, Elizabeth II 伊莉莎白二世時期一等女王致贈土著酋長獎章,第一型(官方版,含盒)AD 1952-1960Provenance:Aberdeen Medals 2023