Qing DynastyGuangxu YuanbaoGuangxu 29thMinistry of Revenue Series(Restrike Version) 清 光緒元寶光緒二十九年戶部造系列(後鑄版)Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Yuanbao, 1 Mace, Emperor Guangxu 29th,Ministry of Revenue(Restrike Version)清光緒元寶庫平一錢 光緒二十九年戶部造(後鑄版)AD 1903Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Yuanbao, 2 Mace, Emperor Guangxu 29th,Ministry of Revenue(Restrike Version)清光緒元寶庫平二錢 光緒二十九年戶部造(後鑄版)AD 1903Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Yuanbao, 1 Tael, Emperor Guangxu 29th,Ministry of Revenue(Restrike Version)清光緒元寶庫平一兩 光緒二十九年戶部造(後鑄版)AD 1903Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024