The Mints造幣廠Austrian NetherlandsScrew PressToken奧屬尼德蘭螺旋壓幣機代幣AD 1744Provenance: Jeans Elsen & ses Fils 2024Paris Mint Louis XV Token巴黎鑄幣局路易十五代幣AD 1823-1867Provenance: CGB Numismatics Paris 2024The Store of the Paris Mint Advertising Token巴黎鑄幣局商店廣告代幣AD 1870-1950Provenance: CGB Numismatics Paris 2024Great Britain Birmingham Mint Advertising Token 英國 伯明罕鑄幣廠廣告用代幣AD 1889Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024Great Britain Birmingham Mint Security Token 英國 伯明罕鑄幣廠安檢代幣AD 1889Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024Great Britain Birmingham Mint Company Token 英國 伯明罕鑄幣廠公司代幣AD 1889Provenance: Fuchin coin 2024Belgium Souvenir from the Brussels Mint Token比利時布魯塞爾鑄幣師紀念代幣AD 1910Provenance: CGB Numismatics Paris 2024Shanghai Mint Commemorative Medal上海造幣廠紀念章AD 1922Provenance:Stack’s Bowers 2024